Talent Acquisition​

What You Will Do
  • Formulating a medium to long-term recruiting strategy​
  • Design and KPI management of the entire process, ranging from overseeing population formation, prepare medium to long-term recruiting strategies, contacts, evaluation, making offers, to ensuring retention​
  • Planning and operation of personnel-related systems​
  • Working with recruiting firms, and operating seminars​
  • Formulating recruitment requirements and job description​
Sourcing Points​
  • Major/Startup HR departments​
  • Recruiting firms (experience in recruiting)​
Skills Required ​
  • Personnel evaluation/operational workflow design skills​
  • External presentation skills for use at recruitment events, etc.​
  • Skills for recruitment PR using social media platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, etc./Media utilization skills on the company website​
  • Skill to create PR-related materials using PowerPoint​
  • Sufficient English language proficiency to conduct recruitment events overseas and convey information on social media/Web
Experience Required ​
  • Recruitment experience in startups, major manufacturers, recruiting firms, etc.​
Qualifications of desired candidate​
  • Capable of solving global social issues by leveraging our unparalleled technological capabilities in science and technology​
    - Lead the way in securing talented people to facilitate commercialization of IGS’s revolutionary technology
  • Must enjoy change and proactively act on their own initiative ​
    - Expand our network to secure most promising talent while flexibly adapting to market and technological changes.​
  • Develop an organization based on excellent leadership​
    - Promote the creation of an internal organizational culture by supporting the CxO​